Future Technology (FUTECH) Journal's third issue explores insightful topics involving recent development in technology throughout the world. 

Published: November 15, 2022

Developments and scope for the use of hydrogen in future combustion engines

01-02 Apostolos Pesyridis

Physics-based dynamic simulation opportunities with digital twins

03-05 Emil Kurvinen, Amin Mahmoudzadeh Andwari, Juho Könnö

Crypto has an emissions challenge: Here’s what leaders can do about it

06-13 Lauren Packard, Ariana Kiran Singh, Olamide Oguntoye

Wastewater treatment plant and enhancing renewable energy production towards achieving environmental sustainability

14-25 H. Gökçekuş, Youssef Kassem, Abigail Z. K Fahnbulleh, Robert Fallah Saah

Economic analysis of an off-grid solar PV for small scale desalination unit

26-43 Hüseyin Gökçekuş, Yousef Kassem, Marilyn Hannah Godwin, Aliyu Babangida