Future Technology (FUTECH) Journal's first issue in 2023 explores insightful topics involving recent development in technology throughout the world. 

Published: February 15, 2023

Climate change, water resources, and wastewater reuse in Cyprus

1-12 Hüseyin Gökçekuş, Youssef Kassem, Marcus P. Quoigoah, Prisca Nashon Aruni

The first international conference on sustainable energy, blockchain, and cryptocurrency (SEBC-2022)

13-45 Sarah White

Hundred percent renewable wastewater treatment plant: techno-economic assessment using a ret screen, case study Syria

46-57 Huseyin Gokcekus, Yousef Kassem, Momoh Ndorbor Mason, James M. Selay

Steel pipeline for the hydrogen storage and delivery: metallurgical viewpoint for Finnish ecosystem

58-61 Vahid Javaheri

Physicochemical properties of wastewater effluents from selected wastewater treatment plants

62-70 Hüseyin Gökçekuş, Yousef Kassem, Augustine Gbollie George, Ruth Filla Morrison