The extraction process of nanocellulose from organic waste and incorporating it into biopolymers for mechanical property enhancement

Nanocellulose possesses excellent properties such as an elastic modulus of 220 GPa, Young’s modulus of 10- 150 GPa, low density of around 1.6 g/cm3, and high thermal stability. To enhance mechanical flexibility, nanocellulose can strengthen the bio-polymers. This research project aims to review the extraction methods and the characterization of the nanocellulose extracted from organic waste materials such as banana peel, pineapple leaf fiber, crown, corncob, palm oil, etc., focusing on the possibility of adding the nanocellulose to enhance the properties such as tensile strength, young’s modulus, water vapor permeability of the biopolymers. Chemical extraction methods like alkaline treatment, bleaching treatment, sulfuric and formic acid hydrolysis, TEMPO-mediated oxidation, and mechanical extraction methods such as ball milling, ultrasonication, high-pressure homogenization, and grinding have been studied. The results obtained from all the characterization techniques have been tabulated. From the results tabulation, the length of cellulose nanocrystal and cellulose nanofiber is 100-350 nm and 350 nm and above, respectively. The hydrolysis time and the types of acid used will affect the yield and aspect ratio; the acid concentration will also affect the degradation temperature. Mechanical treatment results in a higher yield of the nanocellulose, but mechanical treatment is not economically solvent due to the heavy use of power. Considering that nanocellulose extracted via chemo-mechanical treatment has outstanding characteristics that can potentially improve the mechanical properties when incorporated into the biopolymers.
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