Simulation and analysis of energy consumption in all types of residential complexes and choosing the best form from the perspective of sustainability

Energy demand in residential buildings is growing with the immigration of people to urban areas. This study simulates and analyses five different types of residential buildings. The possibility of using a solar thermal system is studied, and then five choices are ranked with the PSI method, which is a mathematical approach. For HVAC simulations, Design builder software, and solar simulations, T*Sol software is used. The results show that in terms of heating load, towers and skyscraper types of residential buildings demand more energy, with 3.67 MW and 3.62 MW, respectively. In terms of cooling, towers and surrounding types need bigger values than others, with 1.84 MW and 1.82 MW, respectively. Solar simulations indicate that the highest solar fraction with no area limitations belongs to the sky scrapper type with 26.9 percent, while collector efficiencies of all types are between 9.9 and 11.6 percent. However, with rooftop areas in each type, the highest solar fraction belongs to linear and surround types both with 24.6 percent. Mathematical analysis shows that by taking into account the importance of heating load and solar fraction for all types, the best form of residential buildings to use is a mixed type with the first rank.
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ISBN: 9780123972705
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