Technical and environmental assessment of biofuel utilization in light and heavy vehicles: implications for carbon footprint reduction on high-traffic freeway

The global imperative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions necessitates urgent transitions in the transportation sector, which currently accounts for approximately 40% of global emissions. This study focuses on the potential of biofuels to serve as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels within Iran's road freight transport sector, specifically along the North Tehran Freeway, a corridor characterized by heavy traffic and significant carbon emissions. Conducted over a one-year period from October 2022 to September 2023, this research calculates the carbon footprint of vehicles using gasoline and diesel, providing a detailed analysis of fuel consumption and resulting CO2 emissions. The study highlights the feasibility of bioethanol and biodiesel, locally available in Iran, as practical substitutes for fossil fuels, particularly given the limited availability of electric vehicles (EVs) in the region. The findings reveal that gasoline dominates fuel consumption on the Tehran-North corridor, accounting for 86% of the total fuel use, thereby underscoring the urgent need for cleaner alternatives. This research contributes to the understanding of Iran’s unique transportation challenges and offers practical solutions for reducing carbon emissions through biofuels. The study’s granular approach, assessing emissions on a monthly basis, provides nuanced insights into seasonal and behavioral factors influencing fuel use, laying the groundwork for effective policy development aimed at transitioning Iran’s transportation sector towards greater sustainability.
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