Effect of Norozak (Salvia lerrifolia) biodiesel fuel on diesel engine performance

Most energy is produced from fossil fuels, and the use of these fuels has increased over the past years. Fossil fuels are the main cause of global pollution and global warming. Using vegetable oils as alternative fuels for diesel engines is one of the ways to reduce pollutant emissions. Biodiesel from Norozak (Salvia lerrifolia) oil has been produced using a transesterification process. Biodiesel is mixed with diesel oil in different proportions B05, B10, B15, and B20. Biodiesel's physical and chemical properties are measured according to ASTM standards. A single-cylinder diesel engine is employed as the test engine in the present work. The torque, power, Special Fuel Consumption (SFC), and Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) are measured and compared with diesel oil. Torque, power, and EGT are larger, and SFC is lower for biodiesel mixture B05 than diesel fuel.